The actor said he spoke to Richard Karn and the boys about a possible spin-off or reboot of the 90s comedy. Tim Allen is still interested in renovating Home Improvement. The funny 70-year-old recently spoke about what a rebooted version of his hit 90s comedy could look like, and shared that there is talk of a possible spin-off.
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Marko Gfreiter0 minutes readIn the end, Jill works for a psychologist. In a meeting with him, he tells him that he is going to open a new office and that he wants Jill to work there on a program with children.
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Marko Gfreiter0 minutes readBryan got his big break when he got the role of Brad Taylor in the ABC comedy Home Improvement. The series, which aired from 1991 to 1999, also starred Tim Allen, Patricia Richardson, Jonathan Taylor Thomas and Taran Noah Smith.
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Marko Gfreiter0 minutes readThe fact is that JTT wanted to leave the series to pursue his own education in real life, and the workload of Home Improvement did not allow it. Jonathan Taylor played Randy Taylor in Home Improvement for seven seasons, but here's why he left the series and didn't appear in the final.
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Marko Gfreiter2 minutes readJonathan Taylor Thomas, who played the role of Randy Taylor in the television series Home Improvement, left the series in the middle of the eighth season. Thomas reportedly decided to leave the program to pursue other opportunities and focus on his education.