The actor said he spoke to Richard Karn and the boys about a possible spin-off or reboot of the 90s comedy. The actress rejected the idea of restarting the comedy, which aired from 1991 to 1999, and noted that it is no longer the same. “I would hear on Twitter or whatever, that I would go out in public and say things about how everyone was willing to do a Home Improvement meeting,” said Richardson, who earned four Emmy nominations and two Golden Globe nominations for comedy. Patricia Richardson, who played Tim Allen's wife, Jill, in the comedy Home Improvement of the 1990s, is shattering hopes of a reboot.
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Marko Gfreiter0 minutes readJonathan Taylor Thomas — Randy Taylor Thomas stayed with Home Improvement from its release in 1991 to 1998.He left early in the eighth and final season, and his character moved to Costa Rica in the second episode. In real life, Thomas wanted to focus on his education.
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Marko Gfreiter1 minute readRelationship between Tim Allen and Richard Karn, the iconic duo. According to Karn, the connection between Allen and him took place very organically in Home Improvement, through the Tool Time segment.
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Marko Gfreiter0 minutes readHe and his wife, Jill, raise three children who are on their way to adulthood. The Taylor family often depends on the house next door.
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Marko Gfreiter6 minutes readTIM ALLEN REFUSED TO STAR IN TELEVISION VERSIONS OF TURNER AND HOOCH AND DEAD POETS SOCIETY TO HAVE HIS OWN COMEDY. Home Improvement, which premiered 25 years ago, on September 17, 1991, was a comedy that documented the work and family life of Tim “The Toolman” Taylor, comedian Tim Allen's portrayal of a man who had unwarranted confidence in his knowledge of power tools and in his ability to communicate with his wife and children through grunts.